COVID-19 and Transportation

Efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 are having noticeable impacts on the transportation system. Social distancing, teleworking, and travel bans are temporarily, and potentially permanently, remaking travel behaviors. 

As transportation researchers and practitioners, we have a range of hypotheses we might want to test in these times. As several members of the committee were chatting, we thought it would be helpful to document our hypotheses, ideas, and opportunities for analysis. These could inform research papers or a future research needs statement. We encourage people to also identify possible data sources, identify data gaps (which we may be able to collectively address), and also collect up media stories about the transportation impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.

Add your thoughts in the document and share with others!

There is a section in the document to list yourself as a collaborator on this. If you have suggestions for a better tool for gathering these ideas, let Stephanie know!

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